2505N. StateHWY360, Suite750|GrandPrairie, Texas 75050
Crystal Oczkowski Dallas/FortWorth|972.890.9800
StevePerliss SanFrancisco|415.908.6450
SanjeevShah Miami |305.500.9390
David Little Washington, D.C. |703.968.7883
About Lea+Elliott Lea+Elliott is a transportation consultingfirmoffering abroad rangeof planning, engineering, program management, and constructionmanagement services for clientsworldwide. These services are provided topublic transit authorities, airports and private sector owners for new transit systems and the refurbishment of existing systems.Wehave expertise inallmodesof transit, includinghigh-speed and intercity rail, rapid transit, commuter rail, light rail, automatedguideway transit, personal rapid transit, and conventional andadvanced technology buses. Thefirm is especiallywell known for its creative structuringof procurements for awide rangeof deliveryoptions that includeDBOMandP3.
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Meet ScottSipes
Fruition. That first rideonabrandnew transit systemflashesmemoriesof theproject’sfirst clientmeeting when these cars, these tracks, this routewerenothingmore than ideas. Theprocess runs through initial concept designs towritingprocurement specifications; then theproject is awardedand the cyclebegins, throughdesign reviews, procurement, installation, testingand commissioning. It is all rewarding, but not until thiswork results ina successful system; that iswhenScottSipesfinally feels satisfied. Scott joined Lea+Elliott six years ago, today servingasmanager of engineeringprojects in the Miami office. He is currently theprojectmanager for theSatelliteEAPM replacement project atMiami International Airport. Healsohasday-to-day responsibility for thenewAPM systembeing installedat King
Abdulaziz International Airport, thebusiest airport inSaudi Arabia. AlthoughScott is relativelynew to Lea+Elliott, hehas a longhistorywith thefirm throughhis years as aprojectmanagerwithBombardier Transportationwherehewas responsible for all aspectsof projectmanagement formultiplemulti-milliondollar, turnkey transit projects. Nowon the “other sideof the fence,” Scott takespleasure inworkingonbehalf of anowner. Heenjoys the responsibilityofworking tomeet theowner’sneeds andassuring that aproject isdeliveredaccording to the contract. “I oftenhave to tell contractors and suppliers things they don’t like tohear, and that isnever easy,”he says. “But our job involves theenforcement of contracts, so sometimeswehave todohard things. We strive tobebothfirmand fair in this role.” Whenaskedhowhebuilds client trust, Scottquickly says: “That’s theeasypart forme. Lea+Elliotthas a stellar reputationas theworld’s leader inAPMdevelopment, soour reputation speaks for itself.Our reputationdrives eachof us anddrivesour success.”Heunderstands that relationshipsdevelopovertimeand that building trust in client relationshipsdependson the synergybetween the client and consultant. “We try veryhard tounderstandowner needs and, as issues arrive,wepresent the facts and reviewoptionswith theowner so they canmake informeddecisions,”headds.
Vol. 22No2
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