Just theRight Size
The recent newsof ahuge industry acquisitiongotme thinkingabout “bigness” andwondering if being a reallybigfirm is reallygood. I’m sure it is agood thing for some firms and some clients; but itmade me realizehowglad I am that Lea+Elliott is the sizewe are. Our sizeandour focused transit/transportation expertisegiveus advantages that are tangible. For example,wehave cultivatedanenvironmentwherebeing nimbleandentrepreneurial areexpectedand valued. That meanswe can take thetime to think carefullyabout how tobest serve theneedsof each client inaway that isbest for them.We canexploreoptions, researchalternatives, andexaminenew ideas. And sinceweareall experts in thisfield, our staff is constantly learning fromeachother. Beingamid-sizedfirm,wedon’t have theencumbrances of bigoperationsdepartments and complexpolicies and procedures andbusiness systems.We can changequickly, adapt easily, and regroup tomeet a client’s changingneed aswell. Wedon’t dobureaucracyandwedon’t get stuck in ruts.We love transit and transportation, soweput a lot of timeandeffort intoamassingdatabases and libraries to expandour knowledge. This freedom to thinkand learn hasmadeus leaders in innovatingnew industrypractices. It allowsus to leadmost of the technical advances inour field. Thebottom line in consulting ispeople. I know I’m biased, but I alsoknow thatwehavea tremendous staff of technical experts thatwill stackupagainst anyfirm… nomatter howbig theyare! I am soproud toworkwith thepeopleof Lea+Elliott.
MIAMI - Lea+Elliott ispleased to announce that SambitBhattacharjee, P.E., LEEDAP hasbeenpromoted to AssociatePrincipal. Sambit hasover 25 yearsof experienceproviding technical andprojectmanagement support related tofixed facility requirements, development/verificationof viable
APMalignments thatmeetAPM constraints and its integration intoadjacent facilities. He is currentlymanaging theAPMprojects forDubai, UAE (DXBandAMIA) and is the lead infrastructure specialist on theOrlando International AirportAPMandRail Systemproject aswell as theTampa International Airport CONRAC andAPMproject. In thepast, he ledAtlantaAirport’sPlaneTrain extension to thenewMaynardHolbrook Jr. International Terminal andEnvironmental Assessment for BrowardCounty Intermodal Center andAPMproject to connect FLL airport toPort Everglades. NewSeniorAssociates Lea+Elliott ispleased toannounce theappointment of twonew SeniorAssociates — MattSturgell, P.E. and Mark Incorvati .Matt is an integral part of theHonoluluRail Transit Project, aswell as projects inPhiladelphiaandSingapore.Mark is alsoapart of the CoreSystems team for theHonoluluRail Transit Project, servingas leadATC reviewer. Inaddition to conductingdesign reviews and ensuring contractor compliancewith contract requirements,Mark supports the change request/claimprocessbyevaluating the cost and technical impactsof changes to theATC subsystem. WASHINGTON, D.C. - Brian Lutenegger, AICP , a transit planner workingon theDullesCorridorMetrorail Project (DCMP), recently passed the LEEDAPBD+Cexam. Hehasbeen leading theDCMP’s efforts to implement LEEDprinciples into the stationdesign for Phase2of theDCMP. Brianwill also coordinate the LEED certification requirement at theDCMP’s YardandShop located atDullesAirport,where threeof thebuildingswill achieve LEED Silver certification. Brian is active in theNational Capital Region chapter of theU.S. GreenBuildingCouncil. Brian Lutenegger achieves LEEDAP
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