
Rail Access atDFWAirport continued fromp1

WashingtonDC’sMetrorail Silver LineOpens WASHINGTOND.C. - Phase1of theWashingtonD.C.Metrorail Silver LineProject—oneof the largest andmost complex rail constructionprojects in the country indecades—opened for revenue serviceon Jul. 26, 2014. The11.7-milewestward extensionof theD.C.Metrorail systemprovides direct access fromdowntownD.C. to the communities of Tysons Corner andReston in Fairfax County, Virginia. Ridership in thefirst week of servicewas impressivewith almost 220,000 trips taken. Lea+Elliott continues as part of the teamworking for theproject’s sponsor, theMetropolitanWashingtonAirports Authority, that is now focusingonPhase2of theProject. This next phasewill extend the Silver Line another 11.4miles farther to thewest, toDulles International Airport andbeyond, with revenue serviceexpected in2019.

(APM) system. Thisportionof theguidewaywas removed and redeveloped to includea canopy systemwithenhanced landscaping, a seatingwall for passengers, apublic address/ massnotification systemwhichplaysbackgroundmusicwhen messagingor notifications arenot takingplace, anda seriesof closed-circuit television security cameras. DFWAirport isoneof themajor employment centers in the region. Thenew rail connectionwill provide the60,000+ employeeswhoworkatDFWwitha convenient and cost- effectiveoption for their daily commute toand fromwork. Thisnew transportationoption complementsDFW’soverall sustainability initiativeof protecting theenvironment, supporting theneighboring communities anddeveloping the aviationmarket further. Theadditionof the rail station is a game changer for theairport and the region. It puts theairport onparwithother global airportswithadirect rail connection. Lea+Elliottwas involved throughout theplanning, design and constructionof thefinal segment of theOrange Line representingDFWas theProgramManager overseeing the DART constructionaswell as thedesign, constructionand implementationof thenewDFWAirport Station. Lea+Elliott isproud tohavebeena contributingpartner in the successof this long-planned, important project. L+E says goodbye toDonnaHeid after 30years!

PHXSkyTrain®ExpandingService toall Terminals PHOENIX - InApril 2013, Phoenix SkyHarbor International Airport’sPHXSkyTrain®beganpassenger service from theValley Metro light rail stationat 44thStreet andWashingtonStreet and East EconomyParking to theAirport’s largest terminal, Terminal 4, servingabout 80%of SkyHarbor’s customers. Earlynext year, thePHXSkyTrain®will expandpassenger service toall Sky Harbor terminals. ThePHXSkyTrain® teamhas completed the constructionphaseof theexpansion that includes 3,500 feet of newguidewayandanew stationat Terminal 3. Teammembers areactively testingand commissioning theexpandedoperating system toprovide this expanded servicebeforenext year’s Super Bowl. AnneKurtenbach, aviationprogrammanagerwith the Phoenix SkyHarborOperationsDivisionnotes, “ThePHXSky Train®hasbeenagreat addition toSkyHarbor.Wehave carried over 5millionpassengers already. Next January, Phoenixhosts theNFLProBowl, and inFebruarySuper Bowl XLIX. Theseevents will bringa lot of visitors to theValley. TheexpandedPHXSky Train®willmake theexperienceevenbetter for thosevisitors.” Lea+Elliott is theSystemConsultant for thePHXSky Train®.

WASHINGTON, D.C. - After 30years as a technical document specialist and theadministrativemanager of our WashingtonD.C. office, DonnaHeid retired in July2014. Shemanagedand coordinated thepreparationof APM system technical specifications and assisted in thepreparationof proposals,

presentations and reports. Donnawas apart ofmany large Lea+Elliottprojects includinga recent task toassist in closingout administrativedocuments aspart of the successful openingof the DullesMetrorail Silver LinePhase I. Donna supervised thework of support personnel and supportedmanyplanningdocuments and successful proposals.Othermajor projects sheworkedon included technical specifications for theWashingtonDullesAirport APMand theKuala LumpurAirportAPM,where sheworkedon- siteas the soleadministrativeperson inpreparationof technical specifications andevaluationof proposals. Donna joined Lea+Elliott in1984when the companywas just 10yearsold. Congratulationsonyour retirementDonna, and thankyou for all of your greatworkover theyears!



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